
Half life 2 father grigori death
Half life 2 father grigori death

half life 2 father grigori death

Born some years later, the younger Gregory thus grew up in a Christian and clerical family. He was soon afterward consecrated bishop of his native city, Nazianzus (the exact location of which is not known Cappadocia was in eastern Anatolia), by bishops on their way to the Council of Nicaea in 325. Gregory’s father, also named Gregory, was converted to the Christian faith from the monotheistic sect known as the Hypsistarii under the influence of his Christian wife. 389, Arianzus Eastern feast day January 25 and 30 Western feast day January 2), 4th-century Church Father whose defense of the doctrine of the Trinity (God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) made him one of the greatest champions of orthodoxy against Arianism. 330, Arianzus, near Nazianzus, in Cappadocia, Asia Minor -died c.

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  • Half life 2 father grigori death